Monday, April 18, 2016

Something That's Not My Style - But I Love It, Anyway!

Here's another topic from the Lolita 52 challenge from FYeahLolita -- I feel like everyone who follows this fashion sees a certain style and adores it, but wouldn't wear it. The one that I, personally, think of is something that I think a lot of people like but don't want to wear:

OTT Sweet Lolita

You know the kind I'm talking

Giant petticoats, bigger hair, a dozen bows and clips of various sizes, rings on every finger, brooches, crazy prints, themed purses-- in other words, exactly what was going on when I first jumped into Lolita fashion (which was about a year after the rerelease of Sugary Carnival) . Coordinates that want to blend pastel-colored Hime-inspired wigs with Decora style and pour it onto a Lolita outfit take a lot of work, and a lot of accessories.

I really do love the style; it's so much fun. Being elegant or princessy is great, of course, but it's the difference between going to your favorite coffee shop and hanging out at a festival.

We still have OTT Sweet Lolita today, but it's definitely changed in the last few years. Far less about pastel vomit and candy-colored wigs, and more about maximum opulence. Every coordinate is a work of art that is painstakingly prepared like this Crystal Dream Carnival outfit that I just can't get enough of.

Hellocon Day 2, Tea Party: Crystal Dream Carnival PegasusLast Sunday was the fantastic Hellocon tea party with Angelic Pretty. The theme of the teaparty was Fairytale Theatre so I decided to go with pegasus inspired outfit. I made the wings and the bustle train myself. Here you can find more information and images of the outfit.
Seriously, click those links. This coord is
a masterpiece.
As you can see, today's OTT Sweet focuses less on having the biggest hair and the most accessories, and is instead about craftsmanship. This is being reflected by the brands most obviously by the fabric they're using. There's less straight-up cotton going around, and more organdy, shantung, jacquard, and lots of chiffon.


I keep thinking about trying to eventually pull together one or two OTT Sweet coords just to have in my closet for when I don't want to wear black or be so serious, but that's a long way off, at the moment. If I did, I might go with Angelic Pretty's Dream Sky or Marshmallow Bunny.


What is a style that you love, but probably wouldn't wear? Let me know in the comments below!

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